1). Appitic (Thanks to @amsd2dth)
2). edmodo - Social Networking for the classroom (Thanks to @ams2dth)
4). Pick Me for iPhone (Thanks to @wcsSSTMSkes)- a techy way to implement "equity sticks' for classroom mangament.
5). Dragon dictation - use this for struggling readers. (Thanks to @wcsSSTMSskd)
6). Too Noisy - a noise level meter for the classroom. Good for classroom management. (Thanks to @wcsSSTMStan)
7). What's the Word - fun word game.
8). Mad Libs - You know you love this childhood game!!! (Thanks to @wcsSSTMSkll)
9). Evernote - a great way to stay organized with reagrd to documents, note-taking, etc.
10). iStudiezlite (free homework app and a sophisticated student planner)
11). Auto Rap - great for review or warm-ups in order to maximize classroom culture. (Thanks to @wcsSSTMSafh and @bandteachergirl
12). These two are for video editing: 1). StoryCreator 2). Animoto
13). Splashtop2 - maximizes your desktop by allowing you to display your desktop computer straight to your tablet (TIP: SplashTop2 for Whiteboards, you will need to download the file to your laptop to get the app to work wiht your iPad and Promethean board.) ***Thanks to @wcsSSTMSbsd and @bsbailey
14). Scratch - great for jotting down notes when on the go
15). Teacherkit - the ultimate classroom teacher's helpful resource
16). Teach
17). Sock Puppets - great and entertaining way to get student's attention and maintain it. (Thanks to @wcsSSTMSkll)