Tuesday, May 16, 2017

My Letter to the Eakin Community

Dear Eakin Community,

It is with mixed emotions I publicly communicate the news I shared with our faculty and staff last Tuesday, May 9th. I announced to our amazingly gracious teachers that I was going to tender my resignation effective June 30th. I shared the news publicly with our faculty first. I felt it was important for our teachers to know before anyone else in a public setting. 

I am growing in my understanding as a school leader, that it is our teachers who really deserve the credit; the respect. It is our teachers who are on the front lines. It is our teachers who implement initiatives, goals, charges, tasks and more. Some of the work our teachers are charged with is set forth by me, their principal; and, on the other hand, some of the work is initiated by district, state, and national enterprises… most of the time beyond their control. In short, our teachers, far too often, are the first ones to be given a directive and the last ones to be considered with career, and sometimes life, altering news. I felt they deserved to know first. They have earned it.

I broke the news of my resignation and communicated I wanted to be clear that this was my choice. This was not a result of me being pushed out. Instead, I shared I am making the decision to resign solely on my own, in partnership with my wife, Kaydee. I am making the choice in order to focus on my health and the health of my family. I will transition to focus more closely on my role as a father to two incredible children, Kyan, our six year old wild man; and our sweet four year old girl, Tegan. It is my hope to focus on being a better man, better provider, and better husband to Kaydee. 

Our son will finish Kindergarten this school year at Eakin and then continue as an Eakin Eagle when he enters first grade in August, therefore my love and support for the incredible Eakin community will still be present in my new role as a parent. You see, Eakin is a special place, a unique place. Eakin IB World School is a place often misunderstood. It is a magical place for which many people cannot begin to understand unless truly immersed. Eakin is a place of grit, diversity, acceptance, love, service, care, imperfections, hard work, inquiry, beauty, generosity, blemishes, tradition, hurt and pain, politics, fun, restoration, smiles, art, competing interests, wealth, poverty, achievement, growth, the open minded individual and the individual who needs to be stretched a little, and more. Why would I not want my children to continue to experience what it looks like to be a part of the #EakinFamily? It is very much representative of what the real world looks like. Eakin is not a cloister. Eakin is not a bubble. I wish everyone could be so fortunate. It is true, “Eakin gives you the world.”

It is my goal to finish my annual contract strong and assist in cooperation with our MNPS leadership as it pertains to the search for a new school leader for Eakin. It is my hope to be as helpful as possible with the transition and contribute as much as needed. I am encouraged by all the recent messages of support for me and my family during this new season. Thank you!


Dr. Tim Drinkwine


  1. Dr. Drinkwine,
    I admire you for everything you present in this post. I am proud of you for recognizing this change that you and your family need. You are 100% correct in saying that Eakin truly "gives you the world." It is a remarkable place filled with lots of joys and challenges. Thanks for all that you gave to Eakin and for stretching me as an educator. You are one of a kind. Best of luck with your future endeavors.

    Kind regards,
    Nicole Sunday

    1. Nicole... thank you for your words. We miss you and hope you are finding happiness in your new endeavors. I just heard last month... "I really miss Ms. Sunday!" It made me smile. :)

  2. A loss for #Eakincommunity a win for the #Drinkwinefamily. I know your faculty and students will miss you tremendously. As a former doctoral coleague, I miss your witt, wisdom, and fun personality after four years since we learned together. You blessed others' lives and had a lifetime impact on many around you. Looking forward to see you soon.

    1. Felicia.. you are such an encouragement to me. You always have been gifted with affirmation and that is good for all of us. I appreciate you and your kind words.


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